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Our Story

Our Story

Delta Technology was founded in 2015 as an information technology program and project management firm, specializing in collaborative solution delivery with the business. We quickly learned that delivering successful solutions was not enough and added change management as a core service to ensure those solutions were adopted as quickly as possible, thus providing a better experience for our clients and a quicker return on investment for our services.

In 2017, Delta Technology began publishing online training content with Pluralsight, on topics including IT management and change management, and in 2024 expanded to LinkedIn Learning.

Delta Technology has evolved into a premier, boutique firm specializing in IT solution delivery. Armed with a military-grade project and program management skills, and industry-leading change management skills, Delta Technology continues to transform organizations, closing the gap between IT departments and the businesses they support.



Close the gap between IT departments and the businesses they support, by opening IT to change.



To effectively and efficiently integrate business and technology by enriching organizations with wisdom and tools.

A group of people sitting at tables with papers.
A group of people sitting at tables in front of a window.



The driving force behind every organization is its people. And people are at the heart of our philosophy.

Help Others

Help Others
  • We help others because we have a responsibility to share knowledge and grow our clients' most valuable asset, their people.
  • We believe the key to helping people learn to adopt new ways of thinking and doing things is patiently and empathetically guiding them through change.

Deliver Value

Deliver Value
  • We deliver value because our clients' success is our success.
  • We believe the key to delivering value is by listening to people and understanding their needs first, then applying our knowledge and resources to solve problems.

Learn and Grow

Learn and Grow
  • We learn and grow because we acknowledge our imperfections and want to improve ourselves to help more people in the future.
  • We believe the key to learning and growing is keeping open minds, having humble attitudes, and remaining curious, even as subject-matter experts.



Everyone at Delta Technology is committed to living our values.

Always Do What's Right

This is our North Star, even if it doesn't always yield the most profitable results. Doing the right thing is easy once you remove money and ego from the decision.

Deliver Bad News Fast

Nothing is perfect. Leaders need honest feedback and time to process the information in order to make positive changes. The sooner we deliver bad news, the sooner change can begin.

"Busy" is a Dirty Word

There are always a lot of things to do and not enough time to do them. Prioritize work, but ensure there is enough time remaining to build and maintain relationships.

Don't Hoard Knowledge

We break down information silos; we don't build them.

No Ghosting Guarantee - Our Commitment to Communication Excellence

No Ghosting Guarantee - Our Commitment to Communication Excellence

At Delta Technology, we recognize the critical role effective communication plays in enabling informed decisions and progress. Ghosting, a practice that reflects a lack of respect and basic courtesy, has no place in our ethos. We pledge to respond promptly to all clients, potential clients, and candidates. Our commitment to timely communication aligns with the standards of professionalism and mutual respect that we uphold.

A group of people sitting around a table.
A man with glasses and a suit jacket.



Kevin Miller, Founder & Managing Principal

After a 15-year career as a dedicated information technology professional across diverse industries and organizations — ranging from non-profits to Fortune 50 companies — Kevin Miller discovered his true vocation. Throughout his tenure, Kevin observed a recurring pattern of inefficient spending and dissatisfied customers who lacked confidence in their IT department’s ability to deliver timely solutions. Kevin developed a deep understanding and empathy for these internal customers — departments seeking technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness for the business.

Kevin held a firm belief:  IT departments rarely engaged in meaningful collaboration with the businesses they served. Recognizing the need for change, he embarked on a mission, and in 2015 founded Delta Technology. Kevin championed a brand-new approach to IT — one that empowered the business to lead technology efforts (instead of IT management), provided timely insights and tools, and navigated conflicting priorities by offering relevant information for informed decision-making.

And here’s the remarkable twist:  Chaos gave way to success. Gone were the days of treating IT as a mysterious black hole for requests, where critical initiatives were perpetually deferred to a vague “phase two.” As a result, customers began to rebuild trust in their IT departments, leading to a surge in new requests.

Delta Technology Logo

Delta Technology Logo

The symbol for delta is a triangle, which is widely known to represent change. The Delta Technology logo has a gap on the left-hand side, creating the letters I and T, and represents exactly what the tagline states: opening IT to change. The logo was designed by renowned logo design and ambigram specialist John Langdon.

The triangle is also a common theme used by Delta Technology when explaining the triple constraints: quality vs. time vs. cost. Everyone wants good, fast, and cheap. While we will not promise to deliver all three (that is a common pitfall), we will help you narrow down your priorities and bring focus and clarity to what is most important to you. We will then execute your vision and introduce positive change to your company, by opening up your IT department to new ways of thinking.

A green triangle with the words delta technology in it.

Get in Touch

Get in Touch

Delta Technology is growing! We are currently seeking to partner with other independent consultants in all areas of IT and business development. Are you tired of reaching out to people, only to get ghosted? Don't worry. We have a no ghosting guarantee!